Streetwear Clothing, Lifestyle, Art, Music, Men and Women's Fashion, News, Urban Culture, Random Thoughts and Ramblings, Where to Buy, What to Watch, Isle of Wight and more...

Thursday, 17 June 2010

The Switch blog has moved!

We have finally moved our blog across to our own servers for ease of use, and you can now find our brand new blog site here.

Our new blog will feature a greater variety of articles, more in depth features, interviews with and profiles of brands, and a more opportunities for you to interact and get involved with us.

To get on board with our all new look blog, and keep up to date with the latest in streetwear, fashion, music, and all things urban, bookmark or redirect your blog feed readers to the following link address:

See you on the other side!


Michelle Custodio said...

I love your designs on Dephect Clothing really. I hope I can get one for my brother.

Michelle Custodio said...

I love your designs on Dephect Clothing really. I hope I can get one for my brother.