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Friday, 30 April 2010

Rapanui Online Store Relaunches

Good friends and fellow Isle of Wighters Rapanui Clothing have relaunched their website in the last couple of days, and it has to be said its looking pretty damn fine!

The online store not only features a complete redesign, with brand new features, images and blog links, but it also features a whole host of brand new clothing designs for this season! Founders Rob and Mart Drake-Knight have built on the success of their original collection of clean, simple designed pieces, and by collaborating with other designers have produced some quality 'Ec0 themed' designs on the same organic materials as before.

This new look site and collection should push Rapanui forwards into the bigtime, and we'll be behind them all the way! Check out their new range, coming soon to our Isle of Wight store, and online on their sparkling new site:

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